MacArthur HAT
  • MacArthur HAT
  • MacArthur HAT
  • MacArthur HAT
  • MacArthur HAT
  • MacArthur HAT

MacArthur HAT

Tax excluded Shipping excluded Delivery time: 2-30 business days

After a few years of developing software for OpenPlotter, we have identified exactly what we need in terms of hardware to achieve our goals and the result is the MacArthur HAT (Hardware Attached on Top), an add-on board for Raspberry Pi running OpenPlotter. With this HAT we want to get the fully open-source boat to free ourselves from dependence on big companies and make our boats more respectful with the environment.

OPTIONALPower module for MacArthur HAT
OPTIONAL: ICM-20948 IMU module

If you are in the United States or surrounding areas, buy at the Wegmatt store to get the products sooner and cheaper.



Hardware Software
Raspberry Pi model 3

OpenPlotter v3.x.x (NMEA 0183 inputs and outputs do not work)

Raspberry Pi model 4 OpenPlotter v3.x.x
OpenPlotter v4.x.x
Raspberry Pi model 5 OpenPlotter v4.x.x


  • 1x NMEA 2000 non-isolated input and output. Data connection by SPI0-1. Optional 120Ω termination resistor included. Compatible with any CAN bus.
  • 2x NMEA 0183 opto-isolated inputs and 2x NMEA 0183 non-isolated outputs. Data connection by UART3 and UART5.
  • 1x Seatalk1 non-isolated input. This connector can be also used as a general-purpose input.
  • 1x Connector for multiple 1-Wire temperature sensors such as the DS18B20 (exhaust, engine, fridge...). A 4.7KΩ pull-up resistor is included. This connector can be also used as a non-isolated general-purpose input/output.
  • 1x STEMMA QT/Qwiic connector for multiple I2C sensors (IMU, temperature, pressure, humidity, gas...). Compatible with most Adafruit and SparkFun sensors.
  • Optional 12V to 5V DC/DC converter via add-on module to power the Raspberry Pi and its peripherals (including touch screens up to 10 inches). When you turn off the main switch of your ship, OpenPlotter will shut down safely. OpenPlotter will start cleanly when the main switch is turned on again.
  • Optional GPS reception and AIS reception/transmission with the MAIANA AIS base kit. The MacArthur HAT has all the features of all MAIANA AIS adapters in one. Data connection by UART0.
  • Optional compass, heel, and trim via internal or external add-on module (IMU 9DOF).
  • Compatible with dAISy HAT, Moitessier HAT (hacked) and Pypilot motor controllers. Not compatible with Pypilot HAT.
  • Detachable screw connectors for easy mounting and maximum compatibility.
  • Includes input and output LEDs to check activity at any time.
  • No drivers needed.


  • 1x OpenPlotter MacArthur HAT
  • 1x 40-pin stacking header
  • 1x 40-pin riser header
  • 3x 2-position screw terminal, green
  • 1x 2-position screw terminal, black
  • 1x 3-position screw terminal, green
  • 1x 8-position screw terminal, green
  • 4x M2.5 20mm hex stand-off, brass
  • 4x M2.5 16mm hex stand-off, brass
  • 2x M2.5 11mm hex stand-off, brass
  • 2x M2 11mm hex stand-off, brass
  • 6x M2.5 screw, brass
  • 2x M2 screw, brass
  • 6x M2.5 hex nut, brass
  • 2x M2.5 hex nut, brass
  • 1x 2.54mm jumper link

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